Caldwell County School Board Advances Middle School Renovation Project

At Monday night’s meeting, the Caldwell County school board took the first steps to move forward on the renovation project at the Caldwell County Middle School.

Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach explained to board members the initial steps include approving an architect and construction manager, along with the BG-1 for the renovation project.

click to download audioHe further explained the benefit of a construction manager for the middle school renovation project.

click to download audioAccording to Roach, the renovation project at the middle school will focus on cosmetic updates and addressing some mechanical issues.

click to download audioRoach recommended Sherman Carter Barnhardtas the project’s engineer, and the recommendation was unanimously approved, with board members Stephanie Feagan and Kim Cook absent from the meeting.

He also recommended Alliance as the construction manager for the renovation project, which was unanimously approved after some discussion.

click to download audioRoach shared that a construction manager was not necessary for the elementary school renovation project.

click to download audioThe board also approved the BG-1 for approximately $9 million; however, Roach mentioned that he expects this amount will change.

click to download audioIn other actions at the meeting, the board approved the Declaration of 2024 Caldwell County High School graduates, renewed insurance policies for 2024-25 with Higgins Insurance, Goodwin Insurance, and KEMI Insurance, accepted an Emergency Disaster Recovery Assistance Grant of approximately $13,000, and approved the hiring of an Archives Specialist.

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