Construction Underway On Asian Carp Barrier At Barkley Lock

Officials from Kentucky and Tennessee gathered at the Barkley Lock and Dam in Grand Rivers Tuesday morning to take a look at the latest step in the fight against Asian Carp.
A Bio-Acoustic Fish Fence (BAFF) is set to be fully installed in the lock around October.

Fish Guidance Systems Managing Director Dr. David Lambert tells the News Edge BAFF is simply underwater speakers that will run along the base of the Cumberland River.

He adds this particular system has been effective in several locations.

Lyon County Judge-Executive Wade White, who has been a major supporter in finding a solution to clearing regional lakes of Asian Carp, says this is a major step in the right direction.

When asked by the News Edge if subsidies for commercial fishermen are working, he says they are.

White notes they are offering an additional subsidy for commercial fishermen in his county.

The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife reports Bighead and silver carp are commonly found in the Mississippi and the Ohio rivers up to Markland pool near Covington. Bighead have been reported past the Greenup pool, north of Ashland, but are rare above the Markland pool. Asian carp can outcompete native species for food, with one mature female Asian carp able to produce more than 1 million eggs each year.

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