Despite forecasts of blistery winter weather a significant crowd gathered in front of the Caldwell County Courthouse steps Monday morning to honor veterans both local and across the entire nation.
Former owner of Morgan’s Funeral Home and guest speaker, Rick Morgan, expressed his thanks to local veterans for all they have done for the community throughout the years, telling the story of World War II veterans building the current baseball fields after they returned home.
He added that he was always humbled to see the continued sacrifice of local veterans.
Area VFW Chaplin George Barber lifted up all combat veterans in prayer and gave thanks for the privileges of life enjoyed by all Americans, the freedom of speech, religion, and the pursuit of happiness.

Special music during the service was provided by area veteran Mike Williams with free cookies, hot chocolate, and coffee handed out to veterans and attendees by the Princeton Homeschool Interact Club.
You can listen to the full program below.