Paducah Man Charged With Stealing A Rescue Vehicle

A Paducah man who was the subject of a manhunt in Lyon County that ended with his arrest in Princeton earlier this month is facing additional charges. Lyon County Sheriff Brent White says 30-year old Trevion Clary

American Jazz Freed From Lake Barkley Mudbar

After nine days stuck on a mudbar in Lake Barkley, the American Jazz cruise ship has been freed and is on its way to port. U.S. Coast Guard Lt. David Baxter said efforts to unground the riverboat

Paving Project Progresses in Princeton

According to Princeton Mayor Kota Young and as of Friday afternoon, repaving work has reached Casey’s Corner at the intersection of West Main Street and Marion Road, with the downtown portion completed. Young noted parking restrictions in

American Legion Post 103 Celebrates Centennial Saturday

Chartered on July 10, 1921, American Legion Post 103 of Fredonia will be celebrating its centennial at 2 p.m. Saturday in Fredonia’s Cumberland Presbyterian Church Activities Building on Cassidy Avenue — with U.S. Army retiree Rudy Fowler

Offer Made To Resolve Cases Against Caldwell Magistrate

A Caldwell County magistrate charged with operating a non-motor vehicle under the influence of intoxicants and third-degree sexual abuse will be back in district court next month as the attorneys continue to work on reaching a resolution