Governor Says ‘Dozens’ Likely Dead in Mayfield from Tornado

Graves County Courthouse (Steven Elder Photo)

One of the hardest hits areas of the quad-state tornado that began in Jonesboro, Arkansas Friday afternoon and hopscotched through several western Kentucky cities was Mayfield.
A tornado warning was issued for Graves County shortly after nine o’clock Friday with a tornado emergency issued shortly after for the city of Mayfield.
Weather Edge forecaster David Powell says the city suffered major damage from what could later be determined as an EF-4 tornado.

click to download audioMadison Morgan of radio station WYMC says the damage downtown affected several buildings.

click to download audioSeveral people were trapped inside and underneath Mayfield Consumer Products on Industrial Drive as the likely tornado moved through the city. Governor Andy Beshear said early Saturday there could be dozens of deaths from what is left of the 120,000 square foot facility.

click to download audioThe Graves County Courthouse and at least two churches are thought to be destroyed as a result of the storm path. Beshear said he plans to visit Mayfield and Graves County later Saturday to assess the damage.

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