Jeremy Nichols, 44, of Fredonia
Funeral services for 44-year old Jeremy “Scott” Nichols, of Fredonia, will be Thursday morning, December 23, at 11:00 at Morgan’s Funeral Home in Princeton. Burial will follow in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Visitation will begin at 9:00 Thursday
Next Steps Discussed For Tornado Impacted Areas In Princeton
In an effort to move progress forward in the rebuilding process, the Princeton-Caldwell County Industrial Development Authority met in a special session Monday afternoon to discuss housing needs for contractors who will be working to rebuild homes
Vernell Hunter, 98, of Princeton
Funeral services for 98-year old Vernell Udell Hunter, of Princeton, will be Thursday afternoon, December 23, at 1:00 at Morgan’s Funeral Home in Princeton. Burial will follow at Princeton Memorial Gardens with military honors. Visitation will begin
FEMA Registration Underway To Start Recovery Process For Storm Victims
FEMA Communications Specialist Yvonne Smith says registration for federal assistance is well underway in Caldwell and surrounding counties for residents who suffered storm damage.
Kentucky National Guard in Caldwell County to Assist
Colonel Joe Gardner, chief of staff with the Kentucky Army National Guard headquartered in Frankfort and co-located with the Emergency Operations Center, says his team is spread out all over Western Kentucky.
Caldwell Fiscal Court Approves Storm Response Management Agreement With Arkansas Firm
Over the objections and recommendations of the county’s Emergency Management Director, Caldwell Fiscal Court voted narrowly to enter into an agreement with an out-of-state firm to take over the management of the disaster response to the December
Lyon County Invites the Community to Events this Week
As officials and residents join with hundreds of volunteers to get Lyon County back on it’s feet, events are planned to address the emotional and spiritual needs of the area as well.
Lyon County Judge Exec Announces Debris Pick-up Begins Tuesday
Lyon County officials and residents continue to work diligently to move forward with storm cleanup.
Pennsylvania Firefighters, Volunteers Visit Princeton (w/PHOTOS)
Members of the South Brownsville Fire Company from Fayette County, Pennsylvania, arrived in Princeton Saturday, December 18, with three truckloads of supplies donated by their community. South Brownsville Chief Ron Barry said he “Googled the path of
Informational Meeting For Princeton Storm Victims Monday Night
Princeton Mayor Kota Young says there will be an informational meeting at 6:00 Monday night at the Country Club for residents who suffered storm damage.