Caldwell Ag Agent Announces Upcoming Conferences, Training Sessions

Caldwell County Agriculture Agent Shane Bogle says the arrival of the new year means several educational conferences and training sessions are coming up for farmers.
Bogle says this week they will host two in-person Private Pesticide Applicator Training Sessions — one of which is scheduled Monday morning.

Bogle also says farmers need to be thinking ahead because with the loss of the U.K. Research and Education Center and its soil laboratory samples will need to be sent to Lexington, which means it will take longer to get the test results.

With that being said, he suggested taking soil samples three weeks earlier this year.

Bogle also reminds grain producers the 2022 Winter Wheat Meeting is scheduled on the morning of February 8 at 9:00 at The Bruce Convention Center in Hopkinsville.

Unlike previous years, officials with U.K. College of Agriculture, Food and Environment indicate pre-registration is required for the free event and is due by January 25th.
Bogle says another meeting coming up soon is the Kentucky Alfafa and Stored Forage Conference on February 24 at the Warren County Extension Office in Bowling Green.

And Bogle says the Small Diversified Farm Series is still going on with the next meeting at 6 p.m. on January 27th at the Grand Rivers Community Center.

For more information about any of the upcoming conferences, contact Shane Bogle, Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent at the Caldwell County Extension Office, at 270-625-4653.

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