Caldwell Emergency Management Looking Into Grants For Storm Sirens

Caldwell County Emergency Manager Joey McCaslin

Caldwell County Emergency Manager Joey McCaslin provided an update to magistrates Tuesday morning regarding grants they are looking into for weather sirens, weather radios and storm shelters.
McCaslin said they are looking into purchasing up to $100,000 worth of weather sirens as well as funding for weather radios through a grant program offered by the American Red Cross.

click to download audioHe said one of the sirens they are looking to replace is over 70-years old.

click to download audioMcCaslin said they are also going to look into grants for storm shelters.

click to download audioHe added residents also need to sign up for CodeRed, which was activated the night of the December tornado.

click to download audioMcCaslin said the Disaster Recovery Center at the Butler Gymnasium will be closing on Friday, February 11, which is the last day you can apply for federal assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA).
As of Tuesday morning, McCaslin noted FEMA has been open for 32 days and had 341 visits, which includes repeats. He said if you get rejected, you need to go back to the Disaster Recovery Center and talk to FEMA representatives.

click to download audioMcCaslin also said the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) would be closing on Thursday.
He noted that after the Disaster Recovery Center closes at the Bulter Building on Friday, there may be a DRC in the area that is open that those affected by the December tornado can go to, or he said survivors may need to go online to keep their claim going.
The Disaster Recovery Center at the Butler Gymnasium will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Friday.

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