Princeton Fire Chief Brent Francis praised crews with Princeton Electric Plant Board, along with crews with Princeton Public Works and firefighters for their efforts during the ice storm that hit Caldwell County and Western Kentucky last week.
During Monday night’s city council meeting, Chief Francis said the crews with PEPB did a great job responding to downed trees and power lines.
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He also expressed his gratitude to firefighters.
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Chief Francis added the crews with Princeton Public Works did an outstanding job in extremely dangerous conditions.
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Mayor Kota Young added the city’s employees did an exemplary job, as always.
Councilman Jim Joiner, a board member of the Princeton Electric Plant Board, said during the committee reports that after some long hours, the local electric company had power restored to all members by Sunday.
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Joiner also provided an update about the Princeton Electric Plant Board’s tornado damage. He said the Plant Board will not receive full reimbursement from FEMA but they hope to receive some funding through House Bill 5.
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According to Joiner, PEPB also has a new lineman, Tanner Collins, who started work the day after the December 10 tornado.