Pick Up Of Ice Storm Debris Begins Monday In Princeton

Vegetation debris from the ice storm can now be taken to the burn site in Industrial Park in Princeton or city residents need to have it moved to the curb by Monday.
Princeton Public Works Director David Sullenger says the burn site opened last Thursday at Industrial Park.

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He says a contractor will pick up the trees and limbs in the City of Princeton beginning Monday.

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He urges residents to get their tree and limb debris to the curb because the contractors will only be going around town one time to pick it up.

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Sullenger also asks residents to be careful when placing debris near the road and to be a good neighbor.

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He notes if you can get it loaded and unloaded they will take care of picking it up, but they will not be picking up root wads.

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Sullenger says residents are also welcome to take the debris to the burn site at Industrial Park, free of charge.
According to Sullenger, residents can also burn small piles of debris on their property but he asks that you use common sense and be neighborly.

click to download audioWith the Spring fire season beginning Tuesday, Sullenger says city residents can burn piles of tree and limb debris as long as they are 150 feet away from brush and woods and at least 50 feet away from a structure.
For any questions or more information, call Princeton City Hall at (270 365-9575.

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