Princeton City Council heard the audit at Monday night’s meeting, and the council approved a quarter of million dollar budget amendment on second reading.
Certified Public Accountant Jessica Daniel, of Eddyville, said the City of Princeton received a ‘clean opinion’ for the year ending June 30, 2021. She noted the City has a very strong financial position at the end of this year.
click to download audioDaniel said the city’s net income was over $1 million with overall revenue decreasing due to paving expenses.
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She added everything looked good in the audit.
click to download audioMayor Kota Young then summarized some of the previous audit years and added the City is doing great financially.
click to download audioIn unfinished business, the Council approved the budget amendment of $250,000 for the damage created by the February 3 ice storm, with Mayor Young noting the damage was more widespread than initially thought.
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In other action, the city council unanimously authorized the mayor to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture for the mosquito program.
click to download audioThe next regularly scheduled meeting is scheduled on Monday afternoon, March 7, at 5:00. Anyone who would like to address the Council at this meeting should call City Clerk Julie Key by Monday, February 28.