Princeton Police Department To Be Fully Staffed Soon

Princeton Fire Chief Brent Francis and Princeton Police Chief Chris King

Princeton City Council heard some good news from the chief of police during a very brief meeting Monday night. During department reports, Princeton Police Chief Chris King announced his department will be fully staffed soon with the hiring of another new officer and two recent hires, Christopher Baker and Jordan Spicer.

click to download audioAt the meeting, the council also heard other department leaders and committee reports. Princeton Fire Chief Brent Francis announced his department has received a grant to help pay for a thermal imaging camera.

click to download audioAlso during department reports, Princeton Public Works Director David Sullenger says all of the paving in the city has been completed.
Princeton City Council

During committee reports, Councilwoman Pat George gave some of the highlights from the Princeton Water Commission meeting last week.

click to download audioCouncilman Jim Joiner presented an update from the Princeton Electric Plant Board. He said Chase Harper is the newest lineman at PEPB and was hired on April 25th.
Joiner also provided an update on the coal plant’s performance.

click to download audioThere was no old business or new business to discuss on the agenda and the meeting was adjourned.
The next regularly scheduled Princeton City Council meeting will be Monday afternoon, May 16th, at 5:00. Anyone who would like to address the council at this meeting should call City Clerk Julie Poole at (270) 365-9575 the Monday before the scheduled meeting to be placed on the agenda.

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