Tornado Survivor Creates Beauty from Tragedy

All photographs by Jason Jones

On December 10, 2021, a tornado ripped through Western Kentucky for 2 hours and 54 minutes straight, leveling everything in its path and devastating countless lives.

Friday, June 10th, marked the six-month anniversary of the infamous disaster. The community of Dawson Springs was one of the hardest hit, killing thirteen people and destroying nearly 75% of homes.
While half a year has passed, the destruction is still visible both physically and emotionally.
Dawson Springs native Brett Cobb recounts his experience when the tornado hit his family home.

click to download audioCobb says he didn’t even have time to go to the basement but felt his family was there helping him protect their home.

click to download audioHis dog’s safety was the first thing that crossed his mind once the tornado disappeared.

click to download audioAfter the dust settled, Cobb found a way to create beauty out of the wreckage. He began making wood carvings with his chainsaw from the trees the tornado affected, his inspiration coming after he found his mother’s tree destroyed. He says he just wanted to take something that was broken and turn it into something beautiful.

click to download audioToday, Cobb is still making wood carvings, and his artwork has profoundly affected his community.

click to download audioCobb and his artwork are a testament to the strength of Western Kentucky’s people. The tornado destroyed homes, shattered lives, and killed, but it could never destroy resilience.

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