The Caldwell County Board of Education has approved salary and travel increases for the district’s superintendent who has served one year in the position.
At Monday night’s meeting, the board went into executive session for the superintendent’s annual evaluation. Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach says the board was generous with their evaluation and they are pleased with his leadership.
click to download audioAfter the board came back into open session, Dr. Roach said they made a motion to increase his salary to the same percentage rate as the board approved for teachers, along with an increase to his travel stipend.
click to download audioWhen he was hired in April of 2021, Dr. Roach accepted a 4-year contract with an annual salary of $120,000. He replaced interim Superintendent Heath Cartwright who had served in the position since September 1, 2020 following the retirement of Nate Huggins.
In other new business, the board approved pay application #2 for $483,400 for work completed thus far for the elementary school renovation project, which Dr. Roach noted will be ready when students return to school.
click to download audioThe board also approved a payment to Preferred Construction Services for the Caldwell County roof project for the primary school addition and fine arts building at the high school in the amount of $255,060. Dr. Roach said all work has been completed and has been reviewed by the architect. He added there will be an additional BG at next month’s meeting to close out the project. Dr. Roach also said this extended the district’s warranty for 20-years.
A Clotfelter-Samokar Architects invoice for the roof project in the amount of $5,687 was also unanimously approved with an additional BG to be voted at the next meeting to close out the project.
Roach also recommended the board approve an agreement with Turf Tank for striping all of the district’s athletic and band fields. He said other schools use Turf Tank and the company was highly recommended. The board approved the agreement and payment amount of $10,000.
And the board approved a bid from HDI Enterprises for striping and staining the gym floors at the high school and middle school for an amount of $34,764. Dr. Roach the gym floors are buffed and polished annually, however, the multi-year refinishing has built up on the high school gym floor that has darkened. He said they will use funds left-over from last year’s facilities.
click to download audioIn other action, the board approved the second reading and adoption of policy updates for 2022-2023, the student discipline code, and a memorandum of agreement with Crittenden County Schools for TVI Services for eight students.