Downed Trees And Power Outages Reported In Christian-Trigg Counties

Downed trees and power lines in Christian, Trigg and Todd Counties are resulting in some power outages after a round of strong thunderstorms moved through the southern Pennyrile early Tuesday morning.

The Christian County ECC says Madisonville Road was closed Tuesday morning after a tree and some power lines fell on the roadway near the 26 mile-marker. Storm damage also blocked the railroad tracks near Crofton which resulted in the CSX train being stopped on the tracks. Officials say the railroad tracks have reopened. Pennyrile Electric and Kentucky Utilities are both working to repair downed power lines in the area.
There were also some reports of downed trees and power lines near the intersection of Fort Campbell Boulevard and the Eagleway Bypass.
Meanwhile, Trigg Dispatch says they received a number of reports of downed trees in the county, with all the trees cleared as of 5:30 am.
Pennyrile Electric is reporting 20 outages in Trigg County, 782 in Christian County, and 14 in Todd County.
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