Princeton City Council accepted a bid for surplus property and heard an update from the mayor about paving in the city at Monday night’s meeting.
At the nearly 10-minute meeting, the only action item on the agenda was a Public Works surplus bid. Council approved a recommendation from Mayor Kota Young to accept the lone bid for a Public Work’s vehicle.
click to download audioDuring the mayor’s report, Young gave an update on paving projects going on in the city. He said crews resumed paving Tuesday morning and began on Industry Lane with several other roads already completed.
click to download audioAfter this cycle of paving is completed, Mayor Young noted every single city street and alley will have been repaved in the last 10 years except for ten streets.

During a code enforcement report, Code Enforcement Administrator and Fire Chief Brent Francis said he feels they have made a lot of progress with getting some yards mowed around the city. He added that they are willing to cooperate with property owners.
click to download audioIn other department reports, Mayor Young provided the Alcohol Beverage Control report in the absence of City Clerk Julie Poole. He noted that it’s good to see an increase in revenue.
click to download audioDuring other departmental updates, Public Works Director David Sullenger said they are back out mowing which was hampered by all of the recent rain.

Anyone who would like to address the council at its next meeting scheduled on Monday afternoon, September 5, at 5:00 should call City Clerk Julie Poole at (270) 365-9575 the Monday before the planned council meeting to be added to the agenda.