‘Horse Whisperer’ Coming To Fredonia Wednesday Night


HR Ministries is presenting Paul Daily Wild Horse Ministries Wednesday night in Fredonia.
Brother Harrell Riley with HR Ministries says Daily, also known as the “Horse Whisperer” will have a demonstration Wednesday night on the field at the Fredonia Riding Club at 7:00 with concessions available before the message.

click to download audioBro. Riley says Daily will explain the demonstration and what God does to get our attention.

click to download audioThis is a family, friendly free event.

click to download audioThe Fredonia Riding Club is located at 201 Dalton Road in Fredonia.
On Friday night at 7:00, Bro. Harrell indicates Paul Daily Wild Horse Ministries will be at the White Plains Ballpark, located at 220 NW Railroad Street, for anyone that wants to attend that show.

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