Casey Jones Distillery Breaks Ground For Expansion

Several friends and supporters gathered Thursday afternoon at Casey Jones Distillery on Witty Lane to be a part of the groundbreaking for a new 3,000 barrel rick house.
Master Distiller Arlon “AJ” Casey Jones says the expansion will take the distillery to a new level.
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Jones’ wife Peg Hays thanked the community and employees for continued support of the distillery.
click to download audioNew partner Cody Turner says the bourbon barrels and the still house are symbolic to the future the Casey Jones Distillery.
click to download audioSouth Western Kentucky EDC Director Carter Hendricks noted the expansion will an economic impact on the community and will lead to new jobs.
click to download audioAlso speaking during the groundbreaking ceremony was Hopkinsville Mayor Wendell Lynch, Christian County Judge Executive Steve Tribble, and Christian County Chamber of Commerce President Taylor Hayes.
The $2,000,000 expansion will include a 7,000 square foot, two story facility. The rick house will hold the barrels filled with bourbon that will undergo the aging process that adds color and flavor.

Photos by News Edge’s John Godsey
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Video by John Godsey
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