Fredonia To Benefit From Water Deal With Princeton

Fredonia, Princeton and Caldwell County officials have agreed to connect a water line to Fredonia that will tie the county’s entire water infrastructure together.
Fredonia Mayor Jim Seibert tells the News Edge that he, along with county, city and local water officials started discussions about a month ago and they all have agreed to run a water line into Fredonia.

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Citing Marion’s recent water woes, Mayor Seibert says this means a redundancy with another water connection. He adds it also means lower rates for Fredonia water customers.
The mayor says he’s excited about the unity between Fredonia, the City of Princeton and the county.

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According to Seibert, this was made possible through funding received by the county.

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Mayor Seibert says all of the Fredonia City Council members are in favor of this water line connection.
Princeton Mayor Kota Young tells the News Edge they are excited about this important project for Fredonia residents and the opportunity to pull the county closer together.

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Mayor Young went on to say he’s happy that he, Judge Curling, Mayor Seibert and their respective water districts will be able to provide this improvement — not only to the citizens of Fredonia — but to the surrounding Caldwell County residents and the City of Princeton indirectly as a future water supplier for the City of Fredonia.
Mayor Seibert says 8th District State Representative Walker Thomas was also instrumental in this process and provided guidance. Rep. Thomas says he’s thrilled about this announcement because it will help control the water rates for Fredonia residents.

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In addition, Mayor Seibert points out Fredonia also received $35,000 from Lyon County funding to make repairs to water valves along the KY 641 line. Seibert explains this money will be used on the Lyon County side of Fredonia and would not be used on any Caldwell County water lines.
Judge-Executive Larry Curling was out of the office Tuesday and unavailable for comment.

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