Judge-Executive Candidates Discuss Qualifications and LTRG


The candidates running for Caldwell County judge-executive, Republican William “Kota” Young and Democrat Phillip Sisk, discussed several issues facing the city and county during the Decision 2022 Political Forum hosted by WPKY last week.

Young said he’s a lifelong resident of Caldwell County, a graduate of Caldwell County High School and a University of Kentucky graduate with a degree in economics. He talked about his qualifications and said he’s running for judge-executive because he wants to continue the city and county’s growth.

click to download audioSisk, also a lifelong resident, said he’s running for the seat because he wants to serve the county again and noted that his qualifications include his business experience, serving on several boards, and previously serving 8 years on Caldwell County Fiscal Court. During that time, Sisk added that he made a lot of connections in Frankfort and across the state with a lot of elected officials, and whether you like it or not he noted you have to lobby for funding.

click to download audioAs far as how the county prepares for future growth, Young said continuing to make investments in new infrastructure like broadband internet as well as continuing to invest in the existing infrastructure: electric, water, and gas. Sisk said continuing improvements at the local airport could prepare for future growth because it’s the best tool for economic development in the county along with cleaning up the city.
When asked if he was pleased with the work of the long-term recovery group or how it could it be improved, Sisk said local government officials should not be leading the group and a construction manager should have happened “before the first nail was driven.”

click to download audioSisk added that he believes setting up a community foundation would have helped improve the process.
Young said this has been a learning experience for the long-term recovery group and he feels they have come up with a productive plan to move forward.

click to download audioThe candidates also discussed several other topics including recruiting businesses and industry into the city and county, addressing the needs of farmers and agriculture, and what can be done to prepare the county for potential solar farms that may want to locate in the county.
To hear the entire discussion click on the audio link below:

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