Land Between the Lakes has closed nine wildlife refuges to all activities including hunting, fishing, and boating as part of its annual natural restoration.
The wildlife refuge closures include portions of Duncan Bay and Smith Bay on Kentucky Lake in northern LBL and Rushing Bay on Kentucky Lake in the southern portion.
Also closed are Fulton Bay, Honker Bay, and the western one-third of Energy Lake on Lake Barkley in northern LBL and Long Creek Refuge at the back of Elbow Bay.
In addition, all of Energy Lake and Bards Lake are closed to hunting while the eastern two-thirds of Energy Lake and all of Bards Lake will remain open to fishing.
LBL also announced that Hematite Lake and Honker Lake near the Woodlands Nature Station will be closed to fishing and boating but the trails will remain open.
These areas will remain closed until March 16.
USDA Forestry officials said the closures provide undisturbed resting and feeding areas for waterfowl, shorebirds, and bald eagles.
They also remind people that hunting is not allowed within 150 yards of any Land Between the Lakes facility and waterfowl hunting is not allowed within 200 yards of a refuge boundary.
Meanwhile, a main road in the Turkey Bay Off-Road Area will remain closed through Sunday as crews complete a culvert replacement. Turkey Bay will remain open for riding, but camping spots will be limited.