Christmas Shoebox Collection Is This Week

This week is the drop off for the Operation Christmas Child Shoe boxes for this area.
Princeton First Baptist Church is the drop-off location for both the local area and region. Ruth Gray has served as the area coordinator for 5 years and has been involved in preparing the boxes for over 20 years. Gray began working with Nell Tapscott who was known as the shoe box lady until her passing and then Gray took over from her. Under the direction of Tapscott and Gray, the program at First Baptist has grown from 184 boxes in 2000 to 2,042 boxes being prepared this year.
Gray said that collections will be held every day through Monday, November 21st.

click to download audio

There are many ways you can get involved with this ministry.

click to download audioSusan Randolph serves as the Central Collection Center Coordinator and said over 15,000 shoe boxes were shipped from here last year. Randolph added these shoe boxes could be the only gift some children receive at Christmas and this is a great way to show the love of God.

click to download audioRandolph hopes to fill more than one trailer again this year.
Everyone is asked to bring their boxes to the Christian Life Center at Princeton First Baptist Church and enter through the Cave Street entrance. For more information, you can contact Randolph at 270-625-1709 or Gray at 270-836-8028.

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