The Caldwell County school board at Monday night’s meeting moved forward with plans for a new HVAC system at the primary school and the purchase of several electric buses.
The board approved the BG-1 that Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach said would start the process of replacing the HVAC system at the primary school with a total estimated cost of over $4 million.
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Baccus Oliver of BFW Engineering & Testing Inc./Marcum Engineering presented their plan for the new HVAC system at the primary school which he stated is the district’s next major need with the elementary school renovation project underway. Oliver said the current system at the primary school is 33 years old and he has three goals with the new HVAC system.
click to download audioThe board unanimously approved the BG-1 for the new system after a 20-minute presentation in which Oliver discussed the details and scope of the project.
The school board also approved construction documents for the Caldwell County Security Vestibules project and to proceed with the bidding process after Dr. Roach presented drawings of where the vestibules will be located at the primary, middle, and high schools. He said they are hoping to start the project as soon as school is out next year.

In other action, the board unanimously approved the purchase of six electric buses after being awarded a grant of over $2.37 million from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Dr. Roach said they will be meeting with representatives of the company the school district is looking to buy the electric buses from as well as the Pennyrile Electric Plant Board to discuss what the infrastructure needs to look like on both sides of the meter.
click to download audioAnother presentation at the monthly meeting was the Fiscal Year 2021 audited financial report. Lindsey Nee of Duguid, Gentry & Associates said the school district received a clean opinion.
click to download audioThe board also approved pay application #6 to Pinnacle for $194,224 for the elementary school renovation project, along with payments in the amount of $5,850 and $28,990 to Preferred Construction for the Caldwell County Roof Recovering Project.