The City of Princeton will advertise for bids related to a couple of repair projects after action by the city council at Monday night’s meeting.
The council voted unanimously to give Mayor Kota Young permission to advertise for bids to repair the roof of the Public Works building.
click to download audioCity Council also authorized the mayor to advertise for bids in order to get the parking lot at the Princeton Police Department repaired.
click to download audioIn other new business, the council unanimously approved a handful of reappointments and an appointment to local boards.
Lucinda Hughes Gray was appointed to the Princeton Electric Plant Board with a term to expire on September 12, 2024. Councilman Jim Joiner, who recused himself from voting, also was reappointed to serve on the board for a term expiring December 31, 2026.
Kayla Thomas was reappointed to the Princeton/Caldwell County City/County Park Board with a term expiring January 1, 2026.
Dixie Gale Cherry and Brent Ladd were reappointed to the Princeton Water and Wastewater Commission. Cherry’s term will expire on April 1, 2026, and Ladd’s term expires on April 1, 2024.
Paul Hooks was reappointed to the Princeton Board of Adjustment with a term to expire on October 1, 2025.
And City attorney B. Todd Wetzel was reappointed to the Princeton/Caldwell County Industrial Development Board with his term to expire June 25, 2026.

In unfinished business, the council unanimously approved the burial fees on the second reading. Those fees are as follows: $350 for opening each burial lot or grave on weekdays and $450 on weekends and holidays. There will be no charge for opening graves for persons twelve years of age or under. There will be a $250 charge for a cremation grave opening on weekdays and a $350 charge on weekends and holidays. And for closing and sealing mausoleums on weekdays, weekends and holidays the charge is $225.
During department reports, Princeton Fire Chief Brent Francis said the ceiling project at the fire department is underway.
click to download audioAs part of the committee reports, Councilwoman Pat George and a member of the Princeton Water and Wastewater said the utility had received a $65,000 grant to be used for the restoration of underground service lines damaged in the December 10th tornado.
During his update, Councilman Jim Joiner and a member of the Princeton-Caldwell County Airport Board said the construction on the new T-hanger will begin in 2024.
click to download audioAnyone who would like to address the city council at its next meeting at 5:00 Monday evening, December 5th, should call City Clerk Julie Poole at (270) 365-9575 the Monday before the scheduled meeting to be added to the agenda.