The 2022 Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Adams Breezy Hill Farm was a huge success, according to General Manager Tyler Lear. He says they lost count after serving around 400 meals Thursday night.
Lear also expressed his gratitude on social media to everyone who came to the restaurant and chose to spend their holiday at Adams Breezy Hill Farm.
Lear said they couldn’t have pulled off the Community Thanksgiving Dinner without the help of all those who volunteered. He adds they are eternally grateful for your time and service, and they pray for God’s special blessings on you and yours in the coming year.
Lear also thanked his employees and kitchen staff for volunteering their time on Thanksgiving to ensure that everyone received a hot meal.
In addition, he thanked the girls at Teen Challenge in Dixon for helping them out, along with Goodman Funeral Home and Hooks Law Firm for donating food, supplies, and their time.
Adams Breezy Hill Farm offered free Thanksgiving Dinners to anyone who wanted to come out to the restaurant or wanted a meal delivered.