The Princeton City/County Park Board will start taking bids again for the swimming pool repair and renovation projects after hearing from a contractor at a special called meeting late Wednesday afternoon.
Contractor Joshua Overly and the owner of Aquatic Designs in Paducah were at the meeting to provide an update about removing and replacing the liner, which he said was not installed properly and will need to be sandblasted to remove it.
click to download audioHe said the platform stand that is rotted will also need to be replaced because it is a safety hazard.

When asked by board member Roy Gene Rogers if he would recommend going back to concrete or some other substance, Overly’s response was concrete or plaster would be the only materials that could be used. He also added that he would not recommend putting a liner in a commercial swimming pool because there are so many occupants they are risking damaging the liner and replacing it in a couple of years which is highly expensive when compared to maintaining a paint or plaster job.
He said the liner was glued to the walls of the swimming pool and it’s going to be hard to remove.
click to download audioThe question was also asked if any of the pool’s plumbing or fittings would be affected which Overly said it would not.
click to download audio

Overly said they have discussed painting the pool which is the cheaper route and probably the easiest to maintain because using plaster is more expensive. Board Chair Kota Young said they have more opportunities if they use paint.
click to download audioOverly also said replacing the wading pool with a splash pad is pretty cut and dry because it’s a new build with Young adding that board members need to keep in mind everything they build needs to be ADA accessible.
click to download audioHe said the diving board, the slide, the pool’s liner, and the stainless steel are the issues he saw with the swimming pool.
Overly said if they start the repairs and renovation project on the swimming pool around the first of the year, it should be ready to open in the spring.

Young said they have been in these discussions for quite some time and the biggest issue has always been labor — trying to find someone to show them what they need and actually complete the project appropriately. He says they now have an opportunity and he feels more comfortable putting the swimming pool project out for bid again.
The board also discussed softball field repairs and renovations, and general park improvements. WPKY’s News Edge will have stories on those discussions in the coming days.