PEPB Information Regarding Sales Tax Exemptions For Utility Services

Officials with Princeton Electric Plant Board are addressing a few telephone calls they received Monday regarding the new sales tax exemptions for utility services that go into effect on the first day of the new year.
Officials shared a few highlights on social media about the sales tax exemptions for utility services.
1. This only applies to the Princeton Electric Plant Board’s residential customers, not businesses.
2. If you live in a home with only one electric meter, which officials indicate is the case for the vast majority of its residential customers, then nothing is changing for you and no action is needed by you.
3. If you live in a home with a separate meter for a detached garage or other building and that garage/building has a separate meter, you may be eligible for this sales tax exemption. Officials ask that you call their office to discuss this further. If this applies to you, they say you will have to come to the Princeton Electric Plant Board and sign an exemption form.
4. If you live in a home with a separate meter for a detached garage or other building and that garage/building has a separate meter and you are operating a business out of said building, this exemption does not apply. For example, officials say if you are a mechanic and you are operating a repair business out of a garage on your property, that is still considered a commercial meter.
If you have additional questions, call the Princeton Electric Plant Board at (270) 365-2031. Press 3 to speak to a customer service representative.
Officials with the utility indicate these rules go into effect January 1, 2023.

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