Caldwell County Fiscal Court approved the distribution of three checks for the long-term recovery group from the December tornado during Tuesday morning’s meeting and heard an update regarding grants for two industrial parks.
Magistrates unanimously approved three checks totaling $6,750 after Judge-Executive Larry Curling announced that at Monday night’s meeting the Caldwell Long-Term Recovery Group reopened eligibility for Form A funding with the deadline set for January 16, 2023 to reapply. Mayor Kota Young said this is for those individuals who were impacted by the tornado and missed the October 17th application deadline. District 4 Magistrate Jeff Simms added that residents who already applied and were awarded funding do not qualify.
During reports, Executive Director Amanda Davenport of the Lake Barkley Partnership for Economic Development said they should be finding out about the grants for the Princeton Industrial Park and Pennyrile WestPark before the end of the year.

In response to a question about if she had received any opposition regarding WestPark from District 1 Magistrate Elbert Bennett, Davenport said “not a lot” but the biggest concern is flooding.
click to download audioDavenport said she has been talking with the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development and 1st District State Senator Jason Howell about a land swap if they cannot use the northern part of WestPark due to flooding.
click to download audio

District 2 Magistrate Jeff Boone said he had questioned why they chose that ground and suggested they move it to higher ground.
click to download audioDavenport also announced she appeared on KET Monday night and participated in a special forum on economic development.
click to download audioIn other reports, Princeton-Caldwell County Fire Chief Brent Francis gave a shout-out to firefighters with the Cerulean Volunteer Fire Department for their assistance at a recent structure fire.
click to download audioChief Francis noted the local fire department provides mutual aid to other counties and he’s grateful other fire departments return the favor.
Judge Curling also announced the courthouse will be closed on December 23rd and December 26th.