Cedar Bluff Baptist Church provided a unique opportunity to return to the past and vision what it might have been like the night Jesus was born in their presentation of the outdoor setting with a Walk through Bethlehem.
This is the 4th year for the two-day event and church members start preparing in the fall to build sets and determine assignments for the upcoming program. There are around 50 members that take part in preparing or presenting the presentation. They also provided a meal for guests to enjoy after completing their walk.
Mark Faughn serves as pastor of Cedar Bluff and said it took a lot of work to prepare the walk through but the rewards are worth it.
click to download audioHe adds that they do not stop at Bethlehem but also take you to Jerusalem to show the complete purpose of the birth.
click to download audioSteve and Kathy Hillyard brought their grandchildren to walk through Bethlehem together. They both shared what the experience meant to them.
click to download audioFaughn had an invitation and a special message to share.
click to download audioPastor Faughn welcomes anyone to contact him at 270-339-8542. Cedar Bluff Baptist Church is located at 11015 Hopkinsville Road.