Board Presented 2023-24 School Calendar, Hears Transportation Update

Caldwell County school board members heard the first reading of the 2023-2024 school calendar, approved requests for amendments from the high school to the Work Ethic Seal Program, and heard a transportation update.
Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach presented the first reading of the 2023-2024 school calendar with the start date set as August 16.

click to download audio

In action items on the agenda, Dr. Roach said the high school has requested some amendments to the Work Ethic Seal Program, which was previously amended by the board on March 21, 2016.

click to download audioHe explained the requested amendments would get the Work Ethic Seal work-ready initiative “back on track” after it was shut down at the end of 2020 due to COVID.

click to download audioBoard members unanimously approved the amendment requests.
In other action, board members approved another payment to Pinnacle for the elementary school renovation project in the amount of $350,299.

Director of Facilities and Transportation Dustin Cash provided a transportation update to the board and said it’s a “daily grind” trying to maintain bus drivers.

click to download audioHe also shared they should have some new buses by the end of Christmas break.

click to download audioBoard members also heard from Caldwell County High School FFA members, President Laken White, Sentinel Laney Jones and Committee Chair Whitney Peak who gave a power-point presentation entitled the ‘Caldwell County High School Land Lab Report’.

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