The Senior Adult Ministry of Princeton First Baptist made its annual Christmas Trip this year traveling to Branson Missouri.
They left Monday morning December 19th and returned Wednesday night the 21st with 56 people making this outing. The group stay at the Stone Castle Hotel and Convention Center which provided them with a room to hold their devotional time.
While in Branson they attended various Christmas Shows including The Hughes Brothers Christmas Special, The Blackwoods, and The Miracle of Christmas at the Sight & Sound Theater. They also drove through a drive through Christmas Light display and enjoyed several delicious meals. Shopping stops included the IMAX complex, the Craft Barn, and Dick’s 5 and dime.
On the return trip, they stopped and enjoyed a meal at Lambert’s in Ozark and caught some rolls. For more information about this Ministry check out the Facebook page “Senior Ministry of FBC Princeton” which includes pictures from the trip.