A student at the Caldwell Career Technical School and a bus driver were recognized at the Caldwell County school board meeting last week.
At the last board meeting of 2022, Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Roach presented Caden Cunningham with a Certification of Appreciation for his recent selection as Student of the Week by a general contractors technical center located in Paducah.
click to download audioDr. Roach also recognized bus driver Michelle Hunter as the Tiger Testimonial recipient for the month of December.
click to download audioHunter was presented with her Certificate of Appreciation prior to the board meeting because she was unable to attend the school board meeting.
The Tiger Testimonial Award is presented at the monthly school board meeting to a staff member who is nominated by parents, students, staff, and community members for demonstrating what it means to be a TIGER, which is an acronym formed from the initials of the letters: Team Player; Impact/Inspire; Generous; Encourage/Empower; Respect.