Swimming Pool Repairs To Start Soon After Council Action Monday

At the first meeting of the new year, Princeton City Council approved the first payments for the City-County swimming pool and splash pad repair and renovation projects and approved an amended ordinance pertaining to the transient room tax.
Tuesday night was the first meeting under the leadership of new Mayor Brock Thomas who stated after hearing the committee and department reports that he’s ready for the new year and to continue with the city’s projects.

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And with that, the city council took up some unfinished business as Judge-Executive Kota Young, who was representing the City-County Park Board, asked for half of the funding approved for the repair of the swimming pool and the replacement of the kiddie pool with a new splash pad.

click to download audioThe council unanimously approved the “draw down” amount of $48,750 for the swimming pool along with $131,735 for the splash pad.
In new business, the city council approved an amendment to the transient room tax ordinance that City Attorney Todd Wetzel explained after the meeting added some language to the city’s legislation.

click to download audioThe second reading of the transient room tax ordinance amendment will be heard at the next city council meeting.

A recommendation from Mayor Thomas to declare some fire department equipment as surplus property and transfer it to fiscal court was also approved by council members.

click to download audioIn other action, Mayor Thomas recommended appointments to the Princeton-Caldwell County Industrial Development Authority Board, the City-County Park Board, and the Pennyrile Electric Plant Board.

click to download audioThe appointments were unanimously approved with Councilman Brian Conger absent from the meeting.
The next Princeton City Council meeting will be held at 5:00 on Tuesday, January 17, due to the observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on Monday, January 16.

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