First Female Circuit Judge In 56th Judicial District Sworn In

It was a family affair on a historic day at the investiture for 56th Circuit Court Judge Natalie White as friends and colleagues gathered at the Lyon County Judicial Center in Eddyville Friday afternoon.
Judge White’s son, Aaron served as the Master of Ceremonies, while her daughter, Allison sang “My Old Kentucky Home” and her daughter Anna read a poem “Do It Anyway” by Mother Theresa.

Former Caldwell County Attorney Bridgie Miller gave the invocation followed by remarks from 56th District Judge Brandon Knoth who shared stories of his time working with Judge White. He said Judge White adds value to the justice system.

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Retired and former Circuit Court Judge C.A. “Woody” Woodall, III also spoke about the historical standpoint of how the 56th Circuit came to be, and that he was ecstatic when state legislators approved a second Circuit Court Judge in the 56th with a more normal caseload to be handled. He said Judge White has the tools to be a good Circuit Judge along with experience as a parent.

click to download audioFollowing Woodall’s remarks, Judge White was administered the Oath of Office by Circuit Court Judge Jamus Redd.

During Judge White’s comments, she thanked all of her family for their support and said there are two things that she wants to have completed. White said she is the first woman serving in a circuit court position in the 56th Judicial District and she hopes it becomes more commonplace.

click to download audioShe also hopes that in the future she will be remembered as “fair and just”.

click to download audioJudge White says she also wants to adhere to the Latin phrases in the Circuit Courtrooms in three of the courthouses.

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In a conversation with the News Edge, Judge White says this position means a lot to her being the first woman Circuit Judge in the 56th Judicial District and she hopes to alleviate the backlog of cases.

click to download audioFollowing the investiture, everyone was invited to stay for a reception in honor of Judge White held in the courtroom.

Circuit Judge Natalie White’s investiture:


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