City of Fredonia Collecting Bottle Caps To Help Build Dawson Park Benches

The City of Fredonia is reaching out to help build back Dawson Springs after the tornado in December of 2021 destroyed its park, including ball fields, the city pool, and the playground.
Officials say the current plan includes benches made from recycled bottle caps. Officials in Fredonia are asking everyone to save all bottle caps for this project.
Two businesses in Fredonia — Akridge’s and Fredonia Valley Bank — have announced they will serve as drop-off locations for the bagged caps. In addition, Fredonia Activities Committee members Michelle Travis, Amber Francis, Jacey Travis and Fredonia Mayor Jim Seibert are all offering to collect these donations and deliver them to Dawson Springs.
The approved types of caps being accepted are listed on the Fredonia First Baptist Church Facebook page or you call the church at (270) 545-3401.

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