Increased Material Costs To Affect Caldwell Paving Plan

Caldwell County Paving Committee Chairman Jeff Simms says they face several factors when it comes to getting roads resurfaced in the county, which is currently on a 20-year cycle.
According to Simms, one of those factors is a significant price increase for asphalt.

click to download audioSimms, who also serves as magistrate of District 4, indicates that the loan was for the December 2021 tornadoes, which created some paving challenges last year in District 2.

click to download audioMoving forward, Simms said, they are estimating paving 4 miles in each district this year.

click to download audioThere are also other cost factors that the county has to consider.

click to download audioSimms also discussed the effect of metal wheels on Caldwell’s roadways. Earlier this week, the News Edge reported that 8th District State Representative Walker Thomas is sponsoring legislation that could require any vehicles with metal wheels on roadways to contain a rubber strip to protect the surface of the road from damage. He said he filed this bill after hearing concerns from constituents in Caldwell, Christian and Trigg counties. Simms said they looked to see how area counties are handling this issue.

click to download audioHe added there are different factors in that — it’s not just the metal wheels — it’s also how the Amish and Mennonite population outfit their horseshoes to keep their horses from sliding. However, Simms noted heavy equipment in the tornado zone is “definitely a large player” in “where the county is at with paving in some of the districts.”

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