Cedar Bluff Baptist Church is accepting Bibles and monetary donations for their year-round program “Bibles for the World.”
Brother Mark Faughn, the pastor of the church, says they have been doing the Bible drive for about five years. He says they started the Bible drive after learning about ‘Love Packages’ — a ministry in Butler, Illinois — that collects Bibles and other types of Biblical literature and sends them to various countries worldwide.
click to download audioBrother Faughn says that while the majority of Bibles they distribute are in English, they will accept Bibles in any language.
click to download audioSince they began the Bible drive, he says they have sent 119,000 Bibles around the world.
click to download audioHe says their goal this year is to collect 21,000 Bibles.
click to download audioAnd the Bible drive is year-round.
click to download audioThe church is also accepting monetary donations to buy Bibles, which they purchase by the case.
click to download audioFor more information about the Bible Drive, you can contact Bro. Faughn at (270) 625-3161.