Caldwell County Fiscal Court magistrates approved a resolution for e-poll books and an agreement for election services at Tuesday morning’s meeting.
County Clerk Jennifer Watson-Hale explained to magistrates that they had decided to go with the lower bid of $42,000 to purchase 24 e-poll books from Knowink, which will save the county about $18,000.
click to download audioShe said the state reduced the fees by $30 per e-poll book.
click to download audio

She praised the e-poll books, noting that they drastically reduce the risk of any possible voter fraud, with Judge-Executive Kota Young further remarking that the state will reimburse the county for their purchase.
click to download audioMagistrates unanimously approved the resolution for e-poll books, along with an election services agreement with Harp which Watson-Hale explained is the same agreement as years past but with a slight increase this year.
click to download audioShe said pre-pandemic the voter turnout was 21.3% and in the last election the voter turnout was 25%, but she said the County Clerk’s Office is required to print 70% of the ballots.

According to Watson-Hale, the 4-year agreement with Harp for the election services will be a monthly payment in the amount of $2,276.53.
In other new business, magistrates unanimously voted to create a tornado reimbursement escrow account with Planters Bank. Judge Young explained this would be an account for disaster reimbursement from the December tornado.
click to download audioMagistrates also approved an adoption partner agreement with PetSmart Charities, Inc. that Judge Young explained will help the Caldwell County Animal Shelter’s efforts to get pets adopted.
click to download audioMagistrates also heard an update from Watson-Hale about the voting schedule for the upcoming Primary Election, along with updates from Caldwell County Emergency Management Director Joey McCaslin, and Executive Director Amanda Davenport from Lake Barkley Partnership for Economic Development.
Anyone interested in addressing the Fiscal Court on Tuesday morning, February 28, at 9:00 should contact Judge Young’s office no later than noon Friday, February 24.