Career Center Students Complete OSHA Certification

OSHA Certifications for students at Caldwell County Schools

The Caldwell Regional Career Center has recently completed the training course for 42 students to receive an OSHA 10 certification in construction.
This course is offered annually to mainly Seniors and some Juniors on the criteria required by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The course is taught by Greg Creekmur who is a certified OSHA instructor through Eastern Kentucky University. To receive his certification to teach he had to meet the criteria required by the national organization and spend 2 weeks on campus to be trained and pass the tests to be an Authorized Construction Trainer.
Creekmur says local students must attend 7 days in the classroom and pass quizzes to qualify.

click to download audioThere are several levels involved in the classroom training.

click to download audio
OSHA Certifications for Trigg County students

Creekmur added that most jobs require training in safety before beginning employment and this course can give students an advantage when applying for a position.

click to download audioThis certificate is nationally recognized.

click to download audioThis is the 5th year Creekmur has been giving the certification course at the Career Center. Individual pictures can be found on the Caldwell Regional Career Center Facebook page.
OSHA Instructor Greg Creekmur

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