The Caldwell County Fiscal Court – Transportation Committee met last week to review the road list submitted by each magistrate and discussed the proposed cost of paving and trends.
The three-member committee is made up of chair and District 4 Magistrate Jeff Simms, District 2 Magistrate Jeff Boone, and Caldwell County Road Department Supervisor David Waldrum.
During the special called meeting, Boone expressed his gratitude to Waldrum for his efforts in compiling the road list into tonnage.
When discussing the cost of paving and trends, Simms highlighted that the budget for road repairs in District 3 due to the tornado would be included in last year’s paving budget, thus pushing the current road paving list into the next fiscal year.
click to download audioDue to those repairs in District 3, he noted their goal for paving in the next fiscal year is to lay between 3,500 and 4,000 tons of asphalt per district.
click to download audioSimms said another future discussion is what the paving budget looks like for the next year with the various factors.
click to download audioSimms also pointed out to Judge-Executive Kota Young who was in attendance that magistrates are proud that despite the continuing rising costs, they have managed to keep their mileage per year to an average of 20 miles – to provide the best service possible to the county’s residents.

Following further discussion, Simms said the road committee’s recommendation to the fiscal court that the current year’s carryover would not be sufficient to carry out full paving operations this spring and would be allocated to the next fiscal year.
click to download audioThe road committee also voted to schedule meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 9:20 a.m. following the fiscal court meeting.