The 57th National Farm Machinery Show was held February 15-18 at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville.
The annual event draws around 250,000 people from around the nation with over 900 exhibit booths. You will find displays of services, equipment and machinery plus the latest in technology with experts in various fields to learn more about the products and services they offer. Among those working the booths were some faces that are well known from Princeton and Caldwell County.

Garry Lacefield worked at the University of Kentucky Research Center for many years before his retirement. Lacefield was very active and well-known locally and keeps in touch with his friends in Princeton.
click to download audioEven in retirement, he continues to work to promote agriculture.
click to download audio

Catlin Young grew up and resides in Caldwell County and is now active with the Kentucky Soybean Association. She represents Kentucky in programs across the nation.
click to download audioYoung used her time at the machinery show to promote soybeans.
click to download audioThe National Farm Machinery Show is the largest indoor farm show covering over 1.2 million square feet of exhibits and hosts the championship tractor pull.