Fiscal Court Hears Funding Updates to Investigate Sinkholes

Executive Director Amanda Davenport of the Lake Barkley Partnership for Economic Development

Caldwell County Fiscal Court heard some good news at Tuesday morning’s meeting — the Princeton-Caldwell County Industrial Development Authority board has been recommended to receive a grant through the Kentucky Product Development Initiative Program for a sinkhole survey at the Princeton Industrial Park.
During reports, Amanda Davenport, executive director of Lake Barkley Partnership for Economic Development, informed magistrates the local IDA had applied for the grant last summer and she found out Friday they had been recommended to receive the funding for the project.

click to download audioShe noted an engineer will need to be hired for this project and be considered by the local IDA.

click to download audioDavenport added this is a great program and the local IDA is utilizing all state funding to enhance the Princeton Industrial Park and no local dollars.

Judge-Executive Kota Young stated that they have often heard there are sinkholes in the industrial park, and this assessment will help determine if there are any issues one way or another.
Davenport said the firm out of Bowling Green that sent in a proposed quote is familiar with Princeton.

click to download audioIn addition, she announced that Pennyrile WestPark had been awarded a grant, and an engineering firm had already been selected. Davenport also mentioned she would need to arrange a board meeting with the five judges.

click to download audio

In other reports, County Clerk Jennifer Watson-Hale announced her office has the money to purchase a plat scanner that she noted will be an asset for the county.

click to download audioIn new business, magistrates approved training hours for all four magistrates, along with approving the monthly financial statement, the treasurer’s transfers and paying the bills.
The next regularly scheduled Fiscal Court meeting will be held Tuesday morning, March 14, at 9:00. Anyone interested in addressing the Fiscal Court at this meeting should contact Judge Young’s office no later than noon, Friday, March 10th.


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