Princeton City Council approved two appointments to the Princeton Ethics Board and heard a report about Friday’s storm along with an update about the City-County Park field revitalization at Monday’s night meeting.
Mayor Brock Thomas recommended the appointments of Haley Jones and Brian Conger to the Princeton Ethics Board, which were unanimously approved. Jones will serve a term to expire November 26, 2026, and Conger’s term will expire June 1, 2025.
In other new business, the council unanimously approved two map amendments recommended by the Planning Commission that includes a zone change for a future lane use in downtown and a change to align the zoning of properties at 101 and 107 East Green Street to allow for the future construction of a 1,200-1,500 single level office building.
During the mayor’s report, Thomas announced they have received a grant to renovate the softball fields at the City-County Park.
click to download audioHe noted that Dawson Springs will be playing their softball season at the City-County Park and the work will probably start in late fall.
Mayor Thomas also said the pool renovation is continuing to progress and the next step is to hire a park director.
click to download audioHe noted that the City-County Park has many opportunities for development and improvement, which is a great investment to benefit our community.
During department reports, Chief Brent Francis provided an update on the severe storms and high winds Friday and said the fire department, police department, and public works responded to a lot of calls for downed trees and power lines.
click to download audioHe also reminds the public not to touch a tree with a downed power line or drive over downed power lines.
click to download audio
Additionally, Chief Francis said there were numerous shingles blown off of roofs and there appeared to be some damage to the roof at West Side Apartments.
click to download audioThe council also heard reports from Public Works Director David Sullenger, code enforcement administrator, Code Enforcement Administrator Alan Getz, Councilwoman Pat George who serves on the Princeton Water & Wastewater Commission, and Councilman Jim Joiner who serves on the Princeton Electric Plant Board.
The next Princeton City council meeting will be held at 5:00 Monday afternoon, March 20. Anyone who would like to address the council at this meeting should call the city clerk at (270) 365-9575 the Monday before the scheduled council meeting to be added to the agenda.