Abby Leach will soon be on her way home.
Following an hour of closed negotiations Friday afternoon, and several other hours prior, the former First United Methodist Church daycare director and her defense attorney David Bundrick struck a deal at her final sentencing hearing in Christian County Circuit Court.
One to which special prosecutor and 38th Circuit Commonwealth’s Attorney Blake Chambers and the families of eight 2019 victims could agree.
In exchange for Leach entering a plea of “guilty” on six counts of second-degree criminal abuse of a child under 12 and two counts of third-degree criminal abuse of a child under 12, Special Judge Brian Wiggins ordered her to serve 30 more days in the Christian County Jail to be served on “weekends” of Wednesdays through Fridays, as well as five years of supervised probation, and an undetermined amount of financial restitution.
Wiggins made sure to reaffirm this with Chambers before proceeding.
Two weeks ago, Chambers had recommended to the judge and jury that Leach serve no less than one year in a state penitentiary concurrently for the six Class D felonies and two misdemeanors.
By entering a plea of “guilty” in this phase, Leach waived her right to an appeal — but in return will not serve time in prison unless probation is violated.
Wiggins assured this with Leach.
Leach has been incarcerated in Christian County since March 3, when she and former FUMC Pastor Paige Williams were both found guilty, and each on eight counts.
Leach was released into familial custody Friday, and must begin her new time in Christian County’s Detention Center March 22.
Sources indicate an appeal has been underway for Williams, who two weeks ago was ordered by the jury to pay a $500 fine on eight misdemeanors — $62.50 for each child.
Williams is scheduled to be in Christian County Circuit Court at 2:30 PM Monday for a motion hour.