At Tuesday’s Princeton Rotary Club meeting, Mayors Jim Seibert of Fredonia, Brock Thomas of Princeton, and Kota Young, the Caldwell County Judge-Executive were the guest speakers and discussed the progress and challenges of their respective cities and county.
Seibert is serving his seventh year as mayor of Fredonia. He said the city’s recent audit showed the water system is making money.
click to download audioHe said water leaks in Fredonia are down by 10 percent, which he attributes to the wireless water meters.
In addition, Seibert said the general fund is up with a decrease in expenses.
click to download audioLast week, while visiting Washington D.C., he spoke with legislators to express his concerns regarding Marion’s water situation, which had prompted the State of Kentucky to declare a state of emergency in both Crittenden and Union counties. Though the goal was to run a six-inch water line above ground from the Sturgis Water System into Crittenden-Livingston and then Marion, he noted this never came to fruition, and Fredonia suffered when a line was hooked up to a local business, resulting in numerous leaks.
click to download audioSeibert said he even called Frankfort about it, but they never responded.
He added that his goal this year is to get Marion some help because if it helps Marion it helps Fredonia and he doesn’t want to go through another year of busted pipes. In order to help with Marion’s water situation, Mayor Seibert said he, Mayor Thomas and Judge-Executive Young are working together for Fredonia to hook on and purchase water from Princeton and Eddyville. He said the fascinating thing is Fredonia is a focal point of all of these water connections.
click to download audioIn addition, the mayor said the bypass is coming in with $2.5 million set aside for infrastructure that can go toward water lines.
click to download audioAnd there will be a bicycle trail that will run through Fredonia, which could be beneficial to the community.
click to download audioMayor Seibert also said the Woodmen of the World Park is undergoing some improvements and he wants to clean up the abandoned properties around town to make room for new housing.
Your News Edge also will have information Mayor Thomas and Judge-Executive Young shared with Rotarians about the City of Princeton and Caldwell County in the coming days.