The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet plans a work zone lane restriction and 8-foot load width restriction on U.S. 62 Cumberland River “Eureka Highway” Bridge at Lake City on Thursday for an inspection.
District 2 spokesman Keith Todd says the inspection was originally scheduled to start Wednesday but was delayed until Thursday due to the threat of adverse weather.
According to Todd, the work zone on Thursday is to allow a detailed inspection of the U.S. 62 Cumberland River Bridge at the Livingston-Lyon County Line below Barkley Dam, weather permitting. He indicates the 8 ft. load width restriction is to allow the placement of an Under Bridge Inspection Vehicle (UBIV) on the bridge deck during the inspection, with climbers utilized to speed up the inspection process.
Motorists should be alert for one-lane traffic with alternating flow controlled by flaggers from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Thursday. Todd says some delays are possible during the movement and placement of equipment to facilitate the work.
He notes the inspection crew may have to schedule a work zone lane and load width restriction at a later date to finish their inspection activities on the bridge.