Caldwell County Fiscal Court approved a Kentucky Emergency Management Area 1 mutual aid agreement and established of a county reapportionment commission at Tuesday morning’s meeting.
Caldwell County Emergency Management Director Joey McCaslin introduced Danny Newcomb with KYME Area 1 who explained the resolution for the mutual aid agreement involves 12 counties.
click to download audioIn response to Sheriff Don Weedman’s inquiry regarding the impact of the mutual aid agreement on law enforcement’s response, Newcomb reported that there were no changes.
click to download audioThe mutual aid resolution was unanimously approved.

In other new business, magistrates approved a motion to establish a county reapportionment commission that County Clerk Jennifer Watson-Hale explained occurs every decade to make sure the population in each of the county’s voting districts is evenly distributed.
click to download audioThe commission will include four members including Watson-Hale as a non-voting member and three other competent county citizens in three different voting districts. Judge-Executive Kota Young added that the members would not be appointed at Tuesday’s meeting.
Magistrates unanimously approved establishing a county reapportionment commission as well as another motion setting the compensation for county reapportionment commissioners at $100.
And fiscal court unanimously approved a county road aid agreement for Fiscal Year 2024 that Judge-Executive Kota Young said was a little over $1 million and a decrease of approximately $23,000 from last year.
During department reports, Sheriff Weedman provided a personnel update that included Ashley Copeland who recently completed basic training along with at least three other individuals who are currently going through the process.
click to download audioHe added the sheriff’s department still has a long way to go but they are moving forward and making progress.
click to download audioHe added the sheriff’s department still has a long way to go but they are moving forward and making progress.