The Caldwell County FFA Chapter announced the newly elected officers and committee chairman for the upcoming school year. They will be the executive team that will lead the local chapter during the 2023-2024 school year.
FFA Advisor Parker Jennings explained the current retiring officer team recommended the new officers.
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The newly elected officers then recommended the new committee chairman to serve the chapter.
click to download audioWhitleigh Carter will be serving as the upcoming president and feels blessed by being able to serve with the group.
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The newly elected vice president is Daniel Laurent and he wants to encourage members to get involved.
click to download audioSecretary for the upcoming year is Abby Gill who wants to follow the example of previous officers.
click to download audioThe newly elected executive team met on Monday to begin planning for the upcoming year and will be officially installed at the chapter banquet to be held this Friday night at the high school. The group will be attending FFA Leadership Training Camp in July to learn more about their responsibilities for the chapter.