The Princeton Optimist Club is focusing on the upcoming radio auction June 5-9 and collecting item donations and donations for its scholarship funds, including the Wes York Memorial Scholarship Fund.
President George Kilgore says part of the radio auction is raising funds for the club’s scholarships for the youth in our communities.
click to download audioChairman of the Optimist Club Vocational Scholarship Committee, David Morris, who owns a construction business, joined the club after last year’s radio auction and explained why he made a $1,000 donation to the Wes York Memorial Scholarship Fund.
click to download audioAfter the tornado, the community saw a big need for those specialized trades that are offered at the Caldwell Regional Career Center, but Morris said trades are not for everybody.
click to download audioHe noted that there are plenty of opportunities for work.
click to download audioKilgore explains donations to the Wes York Scholarship Fund are strictly for students going into vocational trades. He adds the Optimist Club will still keep its traditional scholarships for students who want to obtain a secondary education.
Morris explains that the criteria for a trade scholarship school are completely different than any other college.
click to download audioHe says his main goal for the rest of his career is to spark at least one kid’s interest in getting into a trade.
To make a donation to the Wes York Scholarship Fund or for any questions, contact David Morris at (270) 601-0185