The week has been full of fun and activities at the Princeton Central Presbyterian Church as they hosted Camp Noah.
The camp is hosted to provide a week of fun for children who were affected by the recent tornado and to help them deal with issues resulting from that event.
Stacey Menser served as the site coordinator and said the week turned out great.
Menser noted there were volunteers from several local groups and churches coming together to help with Camp Noah.
Jamie Tomek, the team leader for Camp Noah, is pleased to have many retired educators helping with the program. She said the camp is a great way for students to talk about the experiences they had during the tornado and learn how to deal with their emotions.
She added they have seen positive results from the event.
Tomek shared that the camp is faith-based, with the name coming from the Bible. She added that Noah and his family were displaced due to a natural disaster and learned to adjust.
There are six Camp Noah programs set up across Kentucky, with this one focusing on Caldwell County students. Next week, a session will be held in Mayfield and in July Hopkins County will host one for Dawson Spring residents.